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July 2001 Archives

July 24, 2001

Miles to Kilometers Conversion

Yesterday, while putting on my new bicycle computer at the mouth of the Starke River I learned of a very handy conversion.
The bike computer measures:
Current speed.
Average Speed.
Maximum speed.
Time spent riding.
Distance ridden.

Here in Australia they use kilometers instead of miles to measure distance. I’m from America, so I’m used-to miles. All of the maps we are using use kilometers, so I changed a setting on my bike computer to work in kilometers rather than miles.
I’m not used to kilometers and I find myself converting kilometers into miles while I ride, so I can better understand the distances being talked about. Here’s how I do it:

When converting miles to kilometers you can multiply your miles by the number, 1.6. Here’s an example:

5 mi????= km????
5 x 1.6 = 8
5mi = 8km

When converting kilometers to miles, which is what I usually do, you can multiply by .6. Here’s an example:

5km???? = mi????
5 x .6 = 3
5km = 3mi

Now, when you do your own traveling all around the world you will be able to convert the different measuring systems into what is best for you!

>> Download today's DATASHEET.

By, Crister

July 25, 2001

X360 Data Series

One joke we had while resting on the side of a sandy section on day 1 was to have a contest to see who would have the most crashes… flats… broken spokes… B.O.B. flats…etc. And so, now we have the X360 series, an accumulation of mishaps and funny things that happen along the trail. As the trip progresses more categories will come into place. There will be averages, maximums, totals and much more as the numbers build up! So far Mike is in the lead with 6 crashes, beating out all others in all other categories! Well-done Mike! I myself hope to pass him in whatever category possible (even if I have to make one up)! So, put your sport caps on, because here comes the all-new X360 series!

Download the current DATASHEET.

By, Crister

July 26, 2001

Series and Datasheet update

Check out the latest on the -
Datasheet (our location/miles covered etc)
Series (Number of flats/wipeouts etc)

July 29, 2001

Datasheet update

Check out the latest on the -

About July 2001

This page contains all entries posted to Australia Lesson Activities - Maths in July 2001. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2001 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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