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Miles to Kilometers Conversion

Yesterday, while putting on my new bicycle computer at the mouth of the Starke River I learned of a very handy conversion.
The bike computer measures:
Current speed.
Average Speed.
Maximum speed.
Time spent riding.
Distance ridden.

Here in Australia they use kilometers instead of miles to measure distance. I’m from America, so I’m used-to miles. All of the maps we are using use kilometers, so I changed a setting on my bike computer to work in kilometers rather than miles.
I’m not used to kilometers and I find myself converting kilometers into miles while I ride, so I can better understand the distances being talked about. Here’s how I do it:

When converting miles to kilometers you can multiply your miles by the number, 1.6. Here’s an example:

5 mi????= km????
5 x 1.6 = 8
5mi = 8km

When converting kilometers to miles, which is what I usually do, you can multiply by .6. Here’s an example:

5km???? = mi????
5 x .6 = 3
5km = 3mi

Now, when you do your own traveling all around the world you will be able to convert the different measuring systems into what is best for you!

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By, Crister


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