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X360 Data Series

One joke we had while resting on the side of a sandy section on day 1 was to have a contest to see who would have the most crashes… flats… broken spokes… B.O.B. flats…etc. And so, now we have the X360 series, an accumulation of mishaps and funny things that happen along the trail. As the trip progresses more categories will come into place. There will be averages, maximums, totals and much more as the numbers build up! So far Mike is in the lead with 6 crashes, beating out all others in all other categories! Well-done Mike! I myself hope to pass him in whatever category possible (even if I have to make one up)! So, put your sport caps on, because here comes the all-new X360 series!

Download the current DATASHEET.

By, Crister


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2001 3:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Miles to Kilometers Conversion.

The next post in this blog is Series and Datasheet update.

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