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Water & Fuel Teaser

Here is a math question that can help the group. The support vehicle has given the group the ability to see more difficult terrain before fuel and water stops, however. The support vehicle does have its limitations as well. Could you help us decide whether we can make it from Croydon to Julia Springs with theses few givens in hand?

The ride from Croydon to Julia Springs is 375 kilometers. There are no fill-up stations for water or fuel between these two points. The truck holds 320 liters of fuel and gets an average of 14 kilometers per liter.

The truck also holds 250 liters of water and the group uses, as an average, about .95 liters a kilometer. The group averages 80 kilometers a day.
Here are your questions.

1) Does the group have enough fuel to make it from Croydon to Julia Springs? If there is extra how many kilometers can the group go off coarse and still get to Julia Springs?
2) Does the group have enough water, considering their current minimum intake of water per kilometer, to make it to Julia Springs? If not, how would the group need to cut down their water consumption in kilometers and could they afford to get lost and back track at all?

Hope we all make it to Julia Springs safely.
Mike “Mick” Roney

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