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October 10, 1996

On the Beach

10 Dec 1996:

Hello from foggy Montery. While it's thick as soup outside today, our final leg fifteen miles down the beautiful beach from Moss Landing to Montery harbor was extraordinarily calm and sunny. Moksha, with her new pedal system, performed like a balarina on opening night.

Jason was accompanied by Theresa, our photo exchange education co-ordinator, who reveled in the knowledge that she had chosen the smoothest leg of our short voyage South from the Golden Gate Bridge. Making excellent progress, they found time to swim off the boat, too flushed with excitement to feel the Pacific's winter chill.

Our warm reception by the local press, Channel 35 and the Monerty Herald, completed this perfect leg. We made the front page with a color picture and also TV headline news. Moksha will be proudly on display in the Maritime Museum of Monterey, having earned a prime position for public viewing and school visits.

The past week has been hectic for us visiting schools, brainstorming late into the night on our terrific new web site (more details later), and arranging trip outfitting.

Among the latter, we have just finished trials on a new propeller - two bladed 18" x 21" custom stainless designed and built by Scott of Pitchometer Prop Inc, of Alameda, CA. Moksha now averages 4.2 knots, up from 2.5. That's a 68% increace in speed for the same effort, almost 200 miles further a week!

We have a few scheduled talks at schools and yacht clubs but would welcome a few more. Stuart and Jason will be continuing their efforts over the next few weeks to coordinate the wealth of volunteer talent working very hard on tight deadlines.

Duncan, our "web daddy", has pitched in with generous gift of time, expertise, and enthusiasum, enabling a "quantum leap" very shortly in our web site style and content, which as disappointed all of us over the last few months as previous volunteers faded out.

So "watch this space" for more and frequent news.

Posted on October 10, 1996 2:19 AM