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November 4, 1997
Monterey CA, Hawaii pre-departure. Update #1
Monterey, ca to hawaii (failed attempt)
November 4 - December 12, 1997
Tuesday, November 4th 9:30PM
Monterey, California
Our first Update From the Pacific is brought to you from the comfort of a desk chair in a house not far from where we will launch in a week. We are not yet on the water, but the air is thick with anticipation. Everyday new supplies arrive- food, electrical hardware, and all the other thousand bits and pieces that go into a pedal powered trip across the Pacific.
A mast has grown from the cabin of Moksha, and is now sprouting wind generators, radar receivers, and strobe lights. Her belly is growing fat with life rafts, wires, and grub. For the most part we have divided up the tasks of preparation, I'm taking care of the electronics and communication network, John is packing food and supplies, and other expedition members are raising money for last minute purchases, coordinating the educational program, doing mechanical repairs, and taking care of the so many so important things that need to be done.
It is very much a team effort, and it is amazing to see everyone's work as it comes together. I am beginning to think that doing the actual pedaling is only a very small part of the whole picture. John and I have also been taking advantage of this last week to pick the brains of Steve and Jason for the critical wisdom they gained in a trip across the Atlantic in the same
boat several years ago.
Posted on November 4, 1997 5:17 AM