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November 10, 1997

Monterey CA, Hawaii pre-departure. Update #3

Monday, November 10th, 9:00 PM
Monterey, California

Each day the boat comes closer to being sea-worthy for our sixty day voyage. Even more impressionable than the actual preparation of Moksha, though, is the way in which my perspective of her evolves as the launch date nears. It is somehow as if my tie to her- the beauty of her original construction, the wear and tear that wizened her across the Atlantic, and what I myself have put into her- is becoming more focused, more refined. What began as a passionate interest is growing into something like an umbilical chord.

All the work John and I have put into Moksha was done on dry land, and today we saw her in her true element. After trailering her to the boat ramp from her resting place at the Monterey Maritime Museum, we pedaled Moksha to a waiting crane. By hoisting up lines wrapped around her belly the team was able to turn her on her side and test her performance as she came around when the lines were slackened. And she passed with flying colors- we had her on her side three times, and each time she came up on her own. It is good to know that we will never be trapped inside a capsized boat in high seas...

After the morning's tests were over, John and I had a bit of a chance to pedal her around the harbor. Her maneuverability is impressive, and both of us were amazed at how well she handled. There are still quite a few things that need to be taken care of before our launch on Saturday, but it looks like everything will come together on time.


Posted on November 10, 1997 5:22 AM