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November 19, 1997

Monterey CA, Hawaii pre-departure. Update #7

Wednesday, November 19, 1997 21:48:22 GMT
36 36.56'N 121 53.12'W

The sea stretches away from us like a warped pane of glass and the boat sways in the easy swell. After the other day's sea trials we have chosen the light of day and blessings of a calm to test the water maker, pedal system, satellite equipment, and other tid-bits on board Moksha. All is well, and besides a slightly burnt meal and the spoon John threw overboard while doing dishes there have been no hitches. Even now- with land still so close- one gets an amazing sense of the beauty of the sea, the boat, and the journey to come. Or are we already on it?


It's quite a big place after all, this ocean thing. Although we are well within sight of Monterey harbour today, on a sunny day without a breath of wind, everything is still so big and deep and wonderful, when viewed from the little fragile soap bubble of existence that is Moksha. She is now almost completely self-sufficient. We can make water, heat our food, listen to our favourite music and talk to whoever is reading this by means of the Galaxy satcom unit on board. This is being written as Casey pedals for the harbour entrance, after a very civilised dinner of charcoaled rice and orange powder drink. All the bells and whistles are now in place and working, all is right with the world and we are riding high. Hold that thought.


Posted on November 19, 1997 5:36 AM