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November 21, 1997

Monterey CA, Hawaii pre-departure. Update #8

Friday, November 21, 12:00 PM
Monterey, California

The whole team visited NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this morning to assess the current weather situation. They were incredibly helpful, and their wealth of knowledge very useful. There are high winds coming into Monterey from the west Saturday evening, and then calm conditions at sea through next Friday. Rather than risk the small chance of being blown back into land at the onset of our trip, we decided to postpone the launch a day and put as much space between the coast and us before any unfavorable conditions roll in.

Everything is now ready- the boat is fully provisioned, and Neptune is sending good things our way. So our last couple days on land will be easy ones, and everyone's thoughts are turned westward.


Posted on November 21, 1997 5:39 AM