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September 19, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #1

san francisco, ca to hilo, hawaii
September 19 - December 31, 1998

1. Date: Sat, 19 Sep 98 18:06 GMT
Latitude: 37 degrees 50 minutes North
Longitude: 122 degrees 28 minutes West
Dockside, Presidio Yacht Club

Jason Lewis and Steve Smith will be departing San Francisco in their Pedal Boat Moksha on Sunday morning, September 20th, 1998. Next stop Hawaii...

The departure will be from the Presidio Yacht Club, Ft Baker, Sausalito.

From either north or south on the 101, take the Alexander exit just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Take the first left 200 yards from the freeway towards the Marin Headlands. There will be a tunnel up ahead. Take a right just before the tunnel and follow road down into Ft. Baker. Right at first stop sign, left at the second and then follow the road around till you hit the PYC. We will be leaving from the main pontoon in front of the club. Departure will be at first light Sunday morning, September 20th, 1998.

Check back here for the latest information. Or check our toll free number at 1-800-943-0114 for daily Expedition 360 news.

Thanks, John Oman, GOALS

Posted on September 19, 1998 4:19 PM