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October 2, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #11

11. Date: Fri, 2 Oct 98 02:14:00 GMT
Latitude: 36 degrees 43.996 minutes North
Longitude: 124 degrees 04.542 minutes West

Last night Steve and I had ring side seats to a specially choreographed show from a pod of 3 dolphins buzzing the boat. Their luminous vapor trails of phosphorescence twisting and turning around us like the spirits at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. First full bore toward our hull on collision course then spinning away a the last moment. Like underwater comets chasing each others tails. So skilful, so graceful. Then disappearing as quick as they'd arrived.

Saw two sharks today, one just a minute ago. Huge thing waving its fin at us invitingly to come and join the fun... Err, we might take a rain check. Thanks matey... Got an island to find!

We are both feeling better. No sickness today. Still dour sky though. But a fringe of pink on the northern horizon looks promising.

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 2, 1998 5:25 PM