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October 3, 1998
San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #12
12. Date: Sat, 3 Oct 98 01:43:24 GMT
Latitude: 36 degrees 14.119 minutes North
Longitude: 124 degrees 38.754 minutes
Skipping along waves in Moksha under sunny blue skies, heading south west to the trade winds. Good weather makes for altogether better experience. Now we can see the moon and stars at night and dry off during the day.
Jason and I are adopting an interesting routine. No set schedule... Depends on how we feel. Makes us communicate, cooperate and care about each other. So much more natural and human than Atlantic rigid 2 hours on and 2 hours off.
We cut each other off so much now in everyday life. You can operate for days without talking to someone. I'm beginning to realize what the efficiency, time, money society really costs in general eye contact... To hell with efficiency... Better to leave things open and see how we feel.
Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew
Posted on October 3, 1998 5:27 PM