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October 9, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #18

18. Date: Fri, 9 Oct 98 02:26:02 GMT
Latitude: 33 degrees 29.520 minutes North
Longitude: 127 degrees 23.291 minutes West

Hard still to believe we're actually pedaling across the entire Pacific Ocean in a pedal powered boat!Harder still to fully recognize that the ocean is currently slipping by me only two feet under my seat. Today she is bubbly, confused and dynamic. I feel like a flea riding the peristaltic rhythms on the silky blue skin of some colossal serpent. Feels a lot like skiing, using grade to control and maintain speed.

Jason makes fresh water with Pur 35 which is leaking badly. I'm in full flight (ok, 3 knots but feels fast!) at helm and we're listening to Best of Blondie - Aah that explains a few things about these crazy fools I hear. Truth is, we're getting saner every day, slowing down, forgetting time, can't let HI exist now, live now! If we can't come to some happy balance and peace of mind in this simplified, straight forward world, what chance on land? Biggest trick now is to manage mood swings, as mind is allowed to open and expand from its normal corridors, is untethered and can go up and down. Seem to be keeping dark opponent at bay with good humur.


Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 9, 1998 5:40 PM