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October 10, 1998
San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #19
19. Date: Sat, 10 Oct 98 02:53:48 GMT
Latitude: 32 degrees 56.869 minutes North
Longitude: 127 degrees 59.004 minutes West
Raiders of the Lost Soup, Part 1...
Once there were two young men who decided to go out into the world and seek their fortune. They made a little boat out of wood and set out across the ocean loaded to the gunnels with every conceivable delicacy; porridge, freeze dried cat food and most delicious of all, a 30 pound bag of thick mushy pea soup. After a number of days at sea, one of the travelers, seeing the need for a boost in morale, called to the other saying:
Brother... Man cannot live on freeze dried cat food alone. We need soup in our veins!
The other readily agreed that this was indeed a fine idea and proceeded to light the stove in eager anticipation. But where they thought the bag to be?? Alas!!! It was not there! They searched hi and low, looking in every nook and cranny, even crawling like worms into the dungeon, the rear cabin they both hated going into. For hours and hours they toiled, but still no soup!
Tired and down hearted, our chaotic adventurers gave up the desperate quest, vowing to launch another expedition for the prized green gruel as soon as they regained their strength and resolve. For their minds were now tortured through the long, cold ocean nights in the knowledge that what they craved madly was so close and yet so far! "HELP!!" Any Clairvoyants out there??? Kids!!! Any mad suggestions where it might be? We don't think we can keep on going for much longer if we don't find the wretched stuff!!!
Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew
Posted on October 10, 1998 5:41 PM