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October 12, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #21

21. Date: Mon, 12 Oct 98 03:21:44 GMT
Latitude: 32 degrees 10.668 minutes North
Longitude: 128 degrees 58.411 minutes West

Lazy day. Partly because it is Sunday and we are trying to break up the monotony of the days that are starting to merge from one to the next without identity, more however thanks to the swell that has died for a few hours at least. Like being on a different boat without the ceaseless rocking that chips away at nerves every waking and non waking minute. For the past four to five days we have been bashed, biffed, pummeled, pinched, soaked and scalded; Every time a 'smart wave' empties itself through the hatch onto your head or you pour boiling water on your feet while attempting to make tea; You pretend not to notice by exercising the ancient art of pain disassociation. But there's only so much Zen a man can muster before he looses it completely and reverts to the primal state of yelling, screaming and taking chunks out of anything within reach with the nearest long hard instrument that comes to hand...

But not today. It's been sooo good! We both slept in, made pancakes then pottered about doing odd jobs, swam, slept some more, did laundry etc. It was even calm enough to do some yoga out on the front deck. Heavenly. Nothing is ever perfect though and our drinking water situation continues to be a question mark hanging heavy in the air. The primary water maker remains broken (tomorrow we will take it apart completely) and the emergency pump will make the days needs (1 gallon) in about 4-5 hours pumping... Laborious stuff. Already cut intake down by 50 percent. Both feel increased thirst -but not because of need - more a primordial hoarding instinct that kicks in in times of scarcity. Not the most secure feeling in the world -but then it wouldn't be a proper expedition without a bit of drama!

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 12, 1998 5:48 PM