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October 15, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #24

24. Date: Thu, 15 Oct 98 00:55 GMT
Latitude: 31 degrees 30.934 minutes North
Longitude: 129 degrees 55.849 minutes West

Seems Hurricane Kay has been distracted in tropic latitudes.

Jason and I are taking full advantage of the fresh North Easterly which superceded yesterday's lull. Hope this wind lasts a while. Helpful winds are the heart and sole of my positive outlook.

As unwise as I know it is for one's state of mind to be hostage to the vicissitudes of ocean weather, but there it is... Business-like day; pedaling routine periodically broken by cooling dips in the ocean; passive routine divided between various needs for fresh water, food and sleep.

The night shift is often the most pleasurable, permitting much need of time alone, watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee in one hand and the other hand rhythmically transferring M&M's from packet to mouth before the next wave demands the hand for the boat. We're hanging in and holding on.


Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 15, 1998 5:54 PM