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October 20, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #29

29. Date: Tue, 20 Oct 98 03:31:34 GMT
Latitude: 28 degrees 47.666 minutes North
Longitude: 133 degrees 03.011 minutes West
Wind NNE, Force 3
Heading 220(M)

Strange how we've only been out here for 3 weeks -feels like a lifetime already. Must be something to do with the huge change in our environment and correspondingly extreme adaption of the grey mater to deal with it. We therefore greedily devour each message that comes through on the Galaxy like shipwrecked mariners. Had a sample of regular mail sent through yesterday (the high cost of satellite communications prevents more being sent -eg this update will cost about $11 to send). All heart warming stuff -thanks to you all and we'll be replying to all individually. Warmed to the cockles of both our hearts yesterday to learn of Dan Klug's plans to pipe us in to Hilo with bagpipes, although the thought of a man in a dress being the first thing we see on land is a little perturbing!

Thanks also to April's kid's in Colorado who have put together 'a message a day' inside brightly colored envelopes, even though the jokes for the most part are dreadful! (eg -Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the dirt and cross back over? Answer- a dirty double crossover! -one of the better one's). We also carry messages for others -about 160 pen-pal letters (many written on home-made paper embedded with seeds that will germinate when planted by recipient), photo albums and miscellaneous exchange material for schools in the US and Europe to give to kids in Hawaii. Although you have 'missed the boat' to have a message delivered in this unique fashion -there is still time kids to send in material for us to deliver on arrival. Check out the World Pen-Pals and World Photo Exchange sections on the Global Learning Exchange page for more information.

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 20, 1998 6:02 PM