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October 25, 1998
San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #34
34. Date: Sun, 25 Oct 98 02:52:07 GMT
Latitude: 27 degrees 30.624 minutes North
Longitude: 134 degrees 33.320 minutes West
Jason is feeling less than 100% today, bit of nausea and tired. He has taken restorative mineral and salt powders in case it is due to a deficiency in something. I feel OK but dose up on the powders anyway. Being a practical guy, I'm thnkin' that it wont be long before I'm lackin' whatever he's lackin'.
Hoorah for the North wind that came a calling again at noon today. It's good to be back on the freeway again so to speak, clipping along on a 210 degrees(M) heading with the northerly Force 3-4 wind. We've been pussy footing around 28N by 134W for too long.
But all experiences are learning experiences, and as ever our great teacher, the ocean asks us to surrender our anxieties and just accept what will be. My dad always said "strive for your highest attainable aim, and never put up resistance in vain." In native american belief, the event called "Moksha arrives in Hilo" is already real and will come into our present as and when it should. All this may be so much wooly nonsense to you, and the cynics say "if you believe it enough, it works." But I'm a practical guy and I'm thinkin' the opposite -"if it works, hell, I'll believe it!" -Steve.
Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew
Posted on October 25, 1998 6:19 PM