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October 26, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #35

35. Date: Mon, 26 Oct 98 04:13:53 GMT
Latitude: 27 degrees 06.787 minutes North
Longitude: 135 degrees 20.384 minutes West
Wind NNE, Force 4
Heading 220 degrees(M)

The following sea conditions are near perfect again, despite return of Moksha's 'rock n' roll' that is so exhausting. After feeling back to my chipper self for most of the day, my sickness returned with vengeance just two hours ago following the afternoon shift. I am still assuming dehydration to be the cause -loss of essential electrolyte salts for excessive sweating -as symptoms of fatigue, nausea and resulting loss of appetite reminiscent of in-line skating through deep South of US 3 years ago. However re-hydration salts do not seem to be helping much. Steve feeling OK so I assume nothing to drastic.

We are now about 80 miles short of our 1/2 way mark! A little imaginary goal in the future like this (or on a similar scale -a cup of tea 1/2 way through a graveyard shift) is great for making the present all the more valid, motivating one to pedal harder and commit more fully to living in the eye of moment. Perhaps that's the only real purpose goals serve -as 'psycho-carrots' to bring us into the here and now. As the old saying goes 'It's good to have an end to journey towards but it's the journey that matters in the end'


Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 26, 1998 6:21 PM