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October 27, 1998
San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #36
36. Date: Tue, 27 Oct 98 04:11:49 GMT
Latitude: 26 degrees 56.567 minutes North
Longitude: 135 degrees 50.621 minutes West
Wind NNE, Force 4
Heading 220 degrees(M)
We have been messing about in the dark fixing the pedal drive unit again. Now down to our third and last unit. The second one just quit on Jason -that is to say the gears aren't locking into each other. Nothing too alarming, we're sure we ought to be able to keep at least one fully functional unit even if we have to mix and match parts from each. Final option is oars -dreadful thought, Moksha wasn't designed for it and it would be very uncomfortable.
Now about half way there -still struggling with lack of sleep and the stress of confinement in constant motion. Difficult to explain how draining it is on body and mind to be in small wooden box constantly swaying from 10-45 degrees back and forth, 24 hours per day, always having to brace your body with a hand, knee or elbo -even just to sleep. -Steve.
Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew
Posted on October 27, 1998 6:27 PM