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October 1, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #10

10. Date: Thu, 1 Oct 98 02:36:02 GMT
Latitude: 37 degrees 06.978 minutes North
Longitude: 123 degrees 37.079 minutes West

2:09PM: Keeping the gaze on the ocean somehow helps the with the sea sickness. We're scorching along at 1.5 knots. Me pedaling with eyes fixed on the ocean ahead, Steve getting over another bout of sea-sickness in the stern compartment. I hear a long drawn out sigh from my partner. Poor sod... I think he must feel awful to sound that bad. Two minutes later another sigh four times louder than the 1ast. The poor chap sounds like he's about to kick it for good.

At that moment I look up just in time to see two huge plumes of water shooting up into the sky not 20 yards forward of Moksha's bow. Finbacks whales!! Two adults and two Baha no doubt. By the time I fumble about finding the camera they're gone, slipping into the deep for another dive. Wow! The most exciting thing to happen for months. I lean back into the monotony of the pedaling, staring mindlessly at our two tone world of sea and sky in an attempt not to sink into another spiral dive of nausea.

7:15PM: Grey overcast sky. Wind WNW making pedaling tuff. The graveyard shift starts soon. Blind pedaling while listening to Credence Clearwater on the walkman.

Toasted the digital camera this afternoon on DC power... Idiot! So it's just the power of the pen from now on...

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on October 1, 1998 5:23 PM