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November 2, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #42

42. Date: Mon, 2 Nov 98 04:17:19 GMT
Latitude: 25 degrees 18.571 minutes North
Longitude: 141 degrees 27.451 minutes West
Wind NE, Force 3-4
Heading 240 degrees (M)

Continuing northeast trades and good progress. For those of you who haven't yet viewed the rest of the site or understand fully what we are trying to achieve here, let me explain. Over four years ago Jason and I set out from the Greenwich Meridian with the aim of becoming the first people tt circumnavigate the globe using human power. We have used bicycles, pedal boat, skates and kyaks to get this far and have used the journey both as a great personal education and more recently as the basis for our Global Learning Exchange, including the Classroom Expedition -all formally incorporated within a Non-Profit Organization and a great team of people.

For me, the most striking things about Expedition 360 are its duration (will rival Moses' Exodus from Egypt at this rate!) and its focus. Other expeditions focus on the result -scaling the peak, reaching the pole -and are generally brief, intense forays into an extreme environment, and the quality of life until the heroic return is irrelevant and totally subordinate to the end goal.

In contrast, Expedition 360 is itself an evolving way of life. The end result is practically irrelevant. We focus on HOW the journey is lived, how we can us our minds and become more aware, how we treat our bodies, other people and our environment. We aren't pushing any dogmas, and in many aspects are only beginners ourselves, but through our journals and the Global Learning Exchange we invite you to join us in your own expedition of growth and new experiences.

Whilst I sympathize with those of you who were more looking for some real-life "Big D" -Danger, Drama, Death, Deep Doo-Doo- I sincerely hope you are not too disappointed for lack of pain and blood shed. -Steve

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 2, 1998 6:39 PM