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November 4, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #44

44. Date: Wed, 4 Nov 98 04:05:47 GMT
Latitude: 24 degrees 41.710 minutes North
Longitude: 143 degrees 05.442 minutes West
Wind ENE, Force 3
Heading 225 degrees (M)

This has been second day of changeable winds, light-airs to blustery squalls with easterly force 4 winds. Though our progress is still good.

The third and final pedal system is rapidly losing its initial smoothness to an increasing grate, but performing well. The best performance I think has come from our electrical power system, for which I firstly credit Richard Brown, electrician with the Presidio Park Service, San Francisco, for his tireless devotion to quality and detail.

We rely heavily on a Southwest Windpower wind generator for our electrical power needs (1-8Amps so far), a first class piece of engineering. Combined with our three Unisolar solar panels from Golden Genesis steadily pumping out 1-3 Amps all day, we're completely confident that we can meet all of our power needs. The generated power is stored in two Concord Lifeline 105 Ampere-Hour Batteries, which again have performed superbly thus far.

It is amazing that we can do so much using the free, clean, renewable energies of the wind and the sun. You could easily do the same in your homes too, especially if you eliminate or reduced the use of some greedy appliances like air conditioning (many natural ways to cool a house), deep freeze (eat fresh stuff!) and TV (make prime time worth the name!). Yep, it's all win-win on "Right Path" Road.

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 4, 1998 6:43 PM