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November 6, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #46

46. Date: Fri, 6 Nov 98 04:27:17 GMT
Latitude: 23 degrees 44.807 minutes North
Longitude: 145 degrees 13.191 minutes West
Wind NE veering E, Force 4

Blustery again today and progress excellent. Jason is still charged up from yesterdays ocean excursion, though this morning I felt like I was sliding down the slippery slope to fatigue. All week I've been on top, fully charged and able to breeze through the night shifts without aid of any external stimulation like the walkman. I just pick an exciting idea and visualize it, past, present and future dreams mostly. With the White Moon Goddess in full glory to inspire me, I could just stare into the dancing red numbers of the compass, pedal and sway with the waves and go anywhere in time and space to amazing detail. My 6 hour stint could be over in a flash. But when the cycle turns the other way, when the energy level drops, the brain reels in the net and refuses to go fishing for ideas any more. Then visualization brakes down, the night seems endless and it's viscous spiral downhill. So tonight I'm looking forward to a good 6 hr sleep after making dinner (a weird version of potato cakes I call llapingachos a la Pac!), and then that familiar voice will pierce my dreams, "Steve! It's 3am." I'll gather my thoughts, reach both hands out out pull hard to un-sheath myself from the rat hole, feel the damp wind on my back and hear the powerfull ocean again and start another day.

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 6, 1998 6:47 PM