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November 8, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #48

48. Date: Sun, 8 Nov 98 03:42:25 GMT
Latitude: 23 degrees 19.558 minutes North
Longitude: 146 degrees 40.812 minutes West
Wind E - ESE, Force 4-5
Heading 225 degrees(M)

Miserable rain and wind crossing us broadside now and making it more difficult to crank those pedals, knees starting to ache. Heading still 225 degrees (Magnetic) when we can, though the East wind and current is taking us more Westerly than are ideal track to Hilo.

I remained awake last night designing my future home -she'll be a 60ft wooden sailboat, ROOMY!

At about 2am, Lucky Lester landed on my lap -a 6" flying fish who went berserk around the cabin floor before I could catch him and return him to his world: unlucky because he chose the only hard surface in 100s of square miles to fly into, but lucky to crash into something soft and get rescued. I think the school of dorado who have chosen Moksha as their adopted mother must be taking pity on her underweight crew, rounding up flying fish for us to eat. Appreciate the thought fellas!

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 8, 1998 7:28 PM