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November 10, 1998
San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #50
50. Date: Tue, 10 Nov 98 04:15:12 GMT
Latitude: 22 degrees 45.712 minutes North
Longitude: 147 degrees 58.476 minutes West
Wind E, Force 3-4
Heading 225 degrees(M)
Moksha Prior to Departure
Photo by Peter Santori
Cloudy, squalls, still making progress but all from the legs with little wind assistance.
We have begun a 10 day -til-arrival countdown, now on day 9 - part of elaborate system of little psychological incentives I create for myself. Each part of the voyage is complexly divided into shorter, more manageable goals, and without them I'd be lost. The entire 2000 nautical mile voyage was split in two by our chart's fold line, so incentive #1 was to one day be able to turn over the chart. Incentive #2 was to cross each 10 degree line of longitude to the west, of which there are 3 (will be at the last, 150W longitude, in few days). Incentive #3 was each 5 degree line of longitude. Incentive #4 each degree W, and then we get into the daily incentives. Each day is split up into time partitions of approximately 1.5 hours each, apart from when I have my 6 hour sleep. Each 1.5 hours of pedaling I'm looking forward to a coffee break with maybe a slice of toast or 1/2 mars bar, or looking forward to quick dip in the cool ocean, pancake breakfast or dinner. In all,there must be over a dozen psychological carrots to keep me sane. The whole thing is just too big to consider.
To pedal a boat across 1000s of miles over open ocean is a great accomplishment, no false modesty allowed. But like all such endeavors of greatness -works of art, buildings, inventions, journeys, careers, lives -they can only happen one step at a time. The secret is to break down the big, scary goal into lots little ones -and just start, begin it! If it comes from deep within, the world will help you with good fortune, and what once seemed impossible will become inevitable. -Steve
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can... Begin It.
Boldness has power, energy and magic in it."
Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew
Posted on November 10, 1998 7:33 PM