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November 12, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #52

52. Date: Thu, 12 Nov 98 04:56:42 GMT
Latitude: 22 degrees 34.130 minutes North
Longitude: 148 degrees 49.070 minutes West
Wind SE, Force 3-4
Heading 225 degrees(M)

Partly cloudy with big clumsy waves jumping on board with increasing regularity. Continuing strong squalls making any steerage a joke, but we battle on, hoping at last to punch some miles south. Logging into the Trimble Galaxy today brought dismay -only 3 nautical miles south to show for 24 hours of knee-braking work.

We decided to have a rest this pm and do some filming for the Classroom Expedition educational video we are producing in association with the San Francisco based Video Free America. I guess this is one of those times you have to say "Oh well, could be a lot worse... At least we're alive and healthy." The taking for granted what you have thing again, but very true. A lot could be worse. It will get better. -Steve

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 12, 1998 7:40 PM