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November 14, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #54

54. Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 20:10:02 GMT
Latitude: 22 degrees 13.876 minutes North
Longitude: 149 degrees 30.025 minutes West
Wind NE, Force 3

It's Friday the 13th (Hawaii time) and we're feeling lucky!!! The wind is now NE force 3 again, Yee-Haw!!! We are daring to set our hearts on Hilo, finally, within a week. Jason and I have been spending more time in the ocean the last few days, swimming and filming our world from another prospective.

We seem to be acquiring new friends as we go. Our posse of Dorado now up to 7-8 large fish. The biggest must be 40lb. I thought it could have been a shark at first glance and we were a little spooked for a moment. Then I remembered my father, Stuart's amusing advice for dealing with the threat of Iraqi terrorist bombs in london during the Gulf War. Wondering whether it would be safe to go for a drink at a London pub, Stu advised our visiting US friend, "Sure, just walk into anywhere you see Arabs, and if they leave... you leave!!!" Likewise the Dorado, so long as we see them were OK, but if they all swim off in a hurry, I'm outa there!

Our spirits good, have a great weekend all.

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 14, 1998 7:43 PM