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November 21, 1998

San Francisco to Hawaii, Second Attempt. Update #61

61. Date: Sat, 21 Nov 98 01:36:46 GMT
Latitude: 19 degrees 43.942 minutes North
Longitude: 155 degrees 04.037 minutes West

Friday 3.45 pm Hawaii time: We are now pedaling the final 1/2 nautical mile inside of Hilo Harbor. Incredible!!! Words can't measure the whirl of new stimulus, the joy of seeing the misty, tropical greens of Hawaii, the ocean suddenly turned brown from all the recent rain, the arrival of our welcoming committee in "Force Play", Hilo's Charter vessel run by Jim Patterson, my father "Our man in Hilo" Stuart who has done an amazing job as advance coordinator and long-time expedition friend Nancy in full-on grass skirt and bikini. Now for a reception, dinner and a night at the Nani Loa Hotel. Phew!!! It's all so overwhelming and fantastic!!!

But before we get sucked into civilization again, we'd like to acknowledge a few other key support people during this 53 day, 8hr voyage:

Firstly John Oman, webmaster at GOALS for his daily updates and general support.
Tim Dietrich for his great work on the CLASSROOM EXPEDITION.
April and her class of zany kids at Rye Elementary for there daily messages.
Shirley Nice, for her vision and support in all areas
Nancy Cain for yet more KNC Marketing expedition shirts.
And a BIG THANKS to our families, Sebert and Gillian Lewis and Stuart and Sylvia Smith for their love and support.

NEXT LEG NEEDS. If you have enjoyed following our progress and wish to help, Jason and Steve would much appreciate any help you could give with the following:

- For our next news letter -printing services, graphic artist and financial assistance towards mailing cost.
- For Pedal Boat "Moksha" -winter storage and workshop facilities for repairs, equipment storage.
- Hawaii venues for free expedition slide show presentations, given by Steve and Jason
- Hawaii schools to participate in Global Learning Exchange programs
- Sponsor for digital camera for web updates on next leg of voyage
- Sponsor for satellite communication charges to send daily reports to web site

Lewis & Smith,
The Moksha crew

Posted on November 21, 1998 8:02 PM