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November 2, 1999
Viewers of Linford’s Record Breakers - Welcome to the Expedition!
Click on image to play video Click on image to play video Click on image to play video Click on image to play videoWelcome to the expedition website. Now you’ve seen the TV program and had a little taste of what the expedition is all about, try navigating around this site and find out more about the adventure and how you can become involved. Unfortunately there’s typhoon season in the southwest Pacific until March of next year, so the expedition is on hold for a few months. But there are some activities – such as linking with schools in other countries – which you can do in the meantime. And if you sign the registry*, we’ll notify you in advance of when we’re setting out on the next leg.
Teachers and Kids
There are number of ways you can come aboard the expedition in the classroom. On the next leg we’ll have an entertaining curriculum (national standards-based for the UK) called the Classroom Expedition* for your class to tap into for as little as ten minutes each day - depending on your schedule. You’ll be following the boat by satellite, communicating directly with the crew via email and learning all about geography, history, science, maths etc – but in a real-to-life context so it’s fun and interesting!
Leading up to the next leg you might like to use our Global Learning Exchange* to make links with schools in other countries and share your world through the mediums of photography*, videos*, penpals*, and keypals*
But remember to sign the registry* so we can get you on board for the next voyage!
Posted at 1:20 PM