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July 27, 2000
Solomons to Australia voyage - Update #9
Click on image to play video (high speed connection advised).Lat/Long as of 12.00 hrs local time
11 degs 30. 13’ S
155 degs 06. 78’E
Day 10. Wind ESE 5-10 knots. Heading 170-180M
The Coral Sea’s moods are proportionate to my pedaling plans. Upon leaving Tulagi I struck a relaxed pace of around 30-40 rpms. This coordinated with my training in which I strove for endurance over intensity. Any time I practised at 45 rpms it was for a relatively short time.
In the last 12 hours we’ve calculate a new variable into the picture. The reefs surrounding the islands of Rossel and Tagula of the eastern extent of the Louisiade Achepelago pose a new threat. We are now dealing with a strong north west current that pushes us ever closer to the reefs. Coupled with a strong south easterly that is forecast in the next day or so we’ve had to take more aggressive pedaling measures to ensure we don’t find ourselves being exposed on a lee shore. I am trying to increase and sustain rpms of around 45 while Jason is upping his from 45 to 55.
So how do I achieve this aggressive new rate? Cut to a scene from the movie Ben Hur. I envision myself aboard a Roman warship preparing for battle. The gallery slaves have just been shackled. The drummer begins his rhythmic pounding. The Centurion looks at the drummer and gives the command “RAMMING SPEED!”. And away we go…
Posted on July 27, 2000 2:25 PM