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July 29, 2000
Solomons to Australia voyage - Update #11
Click on image to play video (high speed connection advised).Lat/Long as of 11.55 hrs local time
12 degs 25. 00’ S
153 degs 59. 78’E
Day 12.Wind ESE-SE 20-25 knots. Heading 190M
A couple of years ago Jason lent me a book called ‘Handling small boats in heavy weather’. I have used it in my 5th grade class when studying oceans of the world. My kids have delighted in photographs of tiny boats under towering waves. Today I felt placed personally in those photographs.
As of today, our ocean has been blessed with a 20-25 knot wind, which has really churned things up. Moksha has been like an amusement park ride out of control. This was made apparent while brushing my teeth this morning. I was leaning out of the hatch to spit. The boat had just crested a wave and I was looking 30ft straight down. Wide-eyed I sat down suddenly.
“Jason, have you ever been in seas heavier than this?”
“Yes” he replied calmly, “On the Atlantic”.
His calm demeanor reassured me. I often use this same tactic when I fly. If I get a bit worried I check to see if the flight attendants are at all bothered. If they’re not, I figure it’s just not time to worry yet.
Actually, powering this little boat over waves like these doesn’t leave a person much time to be concerned. All of your efforts are dedicated to pedaling full bore and maintaining the rudder ropes. My only regret is that I didn’t get to wash my hair yesterday and this wind is supposed to be around for another 2-3 days.
Posted on July 29, 2000 2:28 PM