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July 19, 2000

Solomons to Australia voyage - Update #2

Day 2. Wind SE 15 knots. Heading 220M

The wave scored a direct hit landing in my face and filling my starboard ear with water. I should have figured that was the way the rest of the day would follow. I bounded from the sleeping compartment, grabbed the video camera and began filming Jason who was on the phone. Instantly a wave of nausea swept over me and I stepping back to the hatch and emptied the contents of my stomach into the water. This day was to be a night and day difference to the first day.


Day one I was able to pedal my three hour shifts easily, film with the video camera and form assorted tasks on board. No problem. Today however has been spent lying flat on my back or at the pedals, my only other means of escape from seasickness. The Peaceful Ocean had come to play hardball! My day has been filled with inventing ways I can adapt myself to her playground. And after 12 hours of ceaseless pitching and rolling I might just see the light at the end of the tunnel. If not, it may be a LONG 4 weeks to Cairns!


Posted on July 19, 2000 12:55 PM