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August 13, 2000
Solomons to Australia voyage - Update #26
Lat/Long as of 10.17hrs local time (14th August local time)
14 degs 27. 55 S
146 degs 41. 34’E
Day 28. Wind SE 20 knots Heading: N/A
Sorry if this is hurried and unreadable – we have a tide to catch…
It’s the morning of our 28th day. There’s been little change in either wind or current strength and direction: we’re still drifting at a rate of around 1 knot west and now 0.3-0.5 knots north. The Great Barrier Reef is now only 63 miles and closing. The wind is due to slacken to 15 knots today but then strengthen again to 20 knots+ from tomorrow on. It is getting to that ‘crunch’ time (excuse the pun).
What all this means is we are sitting ducks if we stay on the sea anchor. If we continue the way we are we’ll hit the reef in around 63 hours time, and approximately 25 miles too far north of Lizard Island – a resort island on our same latitude that has a couple boats that can come and see us through the reef – for any chance of assistance if we get into a bind. North of Lizard island and ‘One Mile Opening’ – the most northerly cut through the reef in this area – the passes through the reef are few and we’d have to navigate them unsupported.
So, our last ditch plan is this: to haul in our anchor now and start pedaling southwards like its going out of fashion. At an obligatory 2 knot drift westwards (being underway) we’ll be in the vicinity of the reef by around 1600 hours tomorrow, but at least we’ll have managed to at best claw our way 11 nms south to ‘Cormorant Pass” – giving us the best line of entry to make it to the shelter of Lizard Island, and at worst keep at the same latitude with ‘One Mile Opening’ – our last chance.
To make things fun we have a tide to catch coming into the reef. And to make it even more fun the moon will be full tomorrow – doubling the strength of tide either in our favour or against it depending on timing. In addition to the dreadful conditions onboard at present, we have to position this 26ft plank at a specific point in time and space on the earth’s surface within the next 36 hours. Ain’t life fun if you can make it! Having just spoken to Kenny Brown, who is flying up to Lizard Island this afternoon to arrange for a support boat, we’ve agreed to rendezvous outside ‘Cormorant Pass’ at around 1630 hours tomorrow, giving us a 3.5 knot current and 3 hours of daylight to make it through the cut and the 12 nms to Lizard Island. But it’s going to be tight.
The interesting things is about all of this is it all boils down to maths. I failed maths miserably at school – not a good omen for the next 36 hours. But that was because it was all dry theory. Out here where everything correlates to something ‘real’ – it all makes sense. Perhaps a month on Moksha would be good therapy for 14 years olds slow in maths comprehension. Mmmmh – have to think about this one….
OK – gotta go get this tide…
Posted on August 13, 2000 2:57 PM