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August 24, 2000
Solomons to Australia voyage - Update #30
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:37:28 -0700
Port Douglas, Australia
My reintroduction to land after 30 odd days at sea was quite comical. My center of balance had adjusted to a constant rolling environment. Land, however, is not forgiving and my 'sea' equilibrium was in direct opposition. After stepping on to shore, my world continued to rock and roll. I briefly remember my toes sinking gloriously into the cool, white sand, but the stability was fleeting. The horizon tipped violently and I was unceremoniously dumped in a sprawling heap,looking skyward, laughing helplessly. The Coral Sea's last laugh as I bid farewell.
The whistles and bells of The Arrival have throttled back to steady streams of interested people who 'have heard of what you are doing' and now stop by to look at Moksha and visit. Scattered over the lawn of the Port Douglas Yacht Club lay Moksha's salt water laden kit. My work at hand was to get as much fresh water through everything before the salt did any more corrosive damage. The nuts and bolts of the expedition work goes on.
My thoughts turn homeward. In a few days, I'll greet a new crop of fifth grade students. My hope is the curriculum I've developed around my ocean experience will excite and inspire them. Perhaps, as we take a look at the world this year, they will begin to see their place in its community, developing a bit of global consciousness by connecting with kids in our world neighborhood through the expedition's Global Learning Exchange programs. And, equally important, they may see that, ultimately, their own dreams can become realities.
Many thanks to all who sent goodwill messages to us during the Coral Sea crossing. Psychological carrots which meant a lot to know you were out there pulling for us! A HUGE thanks to our support team of Kenny Brown, Sebert Lewis, and John Oman. Your abilities to shift gears to accommodate our ever changing arrival in the last 72 hours of the journey was an amazing thing to watch! I'm indebted (many playground duties this school year) to John and Renee on the Colorado Homefront who kept my business end of the expedition going during my absence. And, thank you, Lacey, for your tolerance with a Mum who marches to a different drummer.
Lastly, special thanks to my dearest friend and expedition partner, Jason. I'm honored to have had the chance to waltz the Coral Sea with you.
April [Dedicated to my sister Leslie-You are my courage and inspiration]
Posted on August 24, 2000 1:30 PM