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August 21, 2001

Overland Australia - Update 26

Day 29


Its 10.06 p.m. We're camped in a dry creek called North Moonah Creek
about 45kms SW of Mt Isa. A thin sliver of moon is fast disappearing
over the western horizon leaving the stars to assume control of the
heavens. The mood of the team is up: we all agree how good it is to be
back 'home' after our 3-day spell in the town of Mt. Isa. We've missed
our fire, the smells of JohnnyCakes lightly frying on hot coals, our
group meeting after the day's ride where we wind down from the day as
well as divvy out cooking and update-writing chores. I even heard a
couple of people say this evening that they missed being dirty. Joking
of course - but there's an undertone of seriousness there also. Its
weird how when you're out bush you get excited about the prospect of
eating plastic pizza from Pizza Hut, yet a few days immersed in
civilization is enough to make one yearn for the bush again. Perhaps
this is part of the human condition; to never be content with where we
are or what we've got. To forever be searching, looking for something,
then moving on once we've found it. Always restless.


I blame our wonderful hosts Greg and Margaret for having to postpone
our departure from Mt. Isa. Their incredible hospitality made it all too
easy to stay an extra day. But this morning, after an unscheduled delay
due to one of the computers needing fixing, it was time to turn our
backs on the belching chimneystacks and head for cleaner air. We now
have an 800 km ride down the Plenty Highway to Alice Springs via an
off-road route that takes in Arltunga, Emly Gap and Ruby Gap National
Parks en route. The first half of this is pretty flat from what the
locals tell us. Then we'll be getting into some more challenging
terrain around Arltunga, reminiscent of the Maytown track (we hope!).


Environmental Studies
Educational for Susainable Development (ESD)

Posted on August 21, 2001 11:09 PM