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September 21, 2001
Overland Australia - Update 48
September 21, 2001
Day 60
From Crister:
Junior! This is your Pa! Do you read?” Jason said in his pretend Deep South drawl. “ I read Pa…they teach me lots in dem ‘dare schools!” I replied half laughing. Today was a typical slog along the Tanimi track out here in the deep bush.
The flatness and repetitive nature of the Tanimi desert can be in some ways compared to the doldrums (a section of the pacific ocean with little wind or other variety). The corrugations, flat horizon and seemingly unchanging flora that are the Tanami can be a piece of work and a downer to the attitude of all of us in the group.
Fooling around and playing off different jokes throughout the whole trip has been a key to getting through the “hard” sections of the trip. The reason for this is probably because we have the ability to control what we can change; the mood of the group and even our own caricatures. Jason is now my pa, April my ma, and the whole rest of the group, uncles, aunts, and distant cousins. We are a close knit deep south family…This kind of a playful attitude could be seen as an inward way to go about the trip, but I feel that it is because of our laughter that keeps us in good spirits and helps us enjoy and reach out to the people and land that surrounds us.
Posted on September 21, 2001 1:34 PM