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October 1, 2001

Overland Australia - Update 57

October 1, 2001
Day 70

from Josh

Today I felt as though we had crossed over a line, separating the southern dry country with the northern wetter country. While cycling we saw two new types of flowers and two separate bodies of water. I thought the water was the most significant out of the two; all the water we’ve have seen during the last two weeks has been from bores. These bores have been mainly for use by cattle, so we’ve been washing ourselves in cattle troughs for the last couple of washes. We had a great experience last night when we found a bore that actually worked. I filled one of the wash basins and had myself a bath under the stars -- quite enjoyable.


Right this very second I am looking at the Victoria River, along side of Kalkaringi, with flies bugging me and Mike and Git swimming and talking about crocodiles. The Victoria River is the largest mass of water that we have seen since the Mitchell River in North Queensland.


The crossing of the Victoria River to many of the group signifies crossing into the north. We are about to go into Gregory National Park, only about 60kms away.

Feed your Children Wheat.

Aboriginal place-names of the day:

JUKEMERING: Thigh Bones of Kangaroos


Our educational theme for today is "Victoria River District."

Environmental Studies

Posted on October 1, 2001 2:54 PM