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March 16, 2005
Back in the hot, sweaty land of Oz
Arrived yesterday in the land of G'day - Cairns, N. Queensland. I knew it would a major climate shock after leaving a snow-bound Colorado, but the first lungful of tropical air always takes one by surprise. It's the humidity I guess.
I got lucky on the United flight from LA to Sydney - managed to get a business class seat thanks to Johnny Platt (thanks mate!). It's incredible what a few more degrees of seat recline can make to the ordeal of a 14hr flight. The experience was a little tainted however by the woman sitting next to me who had the annoying habit of beating her thighs with her fists (for circulation?) and every 5 or 10 minutes letting out a loud fart. Maybe she was deaf? The contents of business class were wishing they were by the end of the trip...
So, sitting here in John Andrew's pad (John was our support team driver on the last leg across Australia) in Edge Hill in tank top and shorts, lightly sweating at a mere 9 o'clock in the morning. Sounds of tropical birds flowing in through the window. Hmmm - feels good to be back downunder...
Posted on March 16, 2005 11:20 PM