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April 10, 2005
One and a half feet forward, one back
The list of equipment that was stolen continues to grow. To date it amounts to about $8,000 US: the main EPIRB (a device for sending out a distress signal via satellite if we get into a life-threatening situation at sea), a video camcorder, lifejacket, VHF radio/UHF radios, solar panels, water maker, rucksack, bike gear...and I'm sure the list will grow. Some of this we can get away with (we have some other EPIRB's on loan from McMurdo for example), but I probably need to replace around $2,000 worth, a major dent out of the budget. So after getting the $15,000 together to make this next leg happen, including all the kind donations and pledges, then losing $10K in equipment, it feels like one and a half steps forward, one back.
Our new premises is slowly coming together. We have tarps covering most of our small square of concrete, allowing some respite from the dreadful heat. Then my friend James Walker turned up today with some chairs and...oh bliss beyond bliss...an old fridge. We're almost living in comparative luxury now compared to 48 hrs ago! But it's all quite exposed....we have camcorders and computers lying about under the tarps barely sheltered in the event of a storm. It's not the most ideal staging post for a major leg like this.
On the upside Lourdes arrived yesterday (sorry - don't have a photo of her yet - will do the next time we post). It's great to see her - looking forward immensely to sharing the great adventure to Sinapore with her. And she's a real trooper - jumping in with all 4 x feet to help out with cleaning Moksha and the remaining gear (that hasn't been pilfered).
Tomorrow (Monday) is a majorly important day; a second visit to the Indonesian Consulate to clarify a key question about our visas, and then battling with Australian customs on our kayaks; right now they are refusing to allow us temporary access to them to fit them out before re-export to Timor. Bureaucracy....aaaagh!!! If it's this bad in Australia, I'd hate to think what it's going to be like in Indonesia...
Posted on April 10, 2005 11:41 AM