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May 17, 2005

Day 6 - Dashing for Dili

Day 6. 17th May 2005 1500hrs local
LAT: S 9 degs, 38. 225
LONG: E 129 degs, 47. 552
Wind: SE 15-20 knots

The wind freshened this morning quite dramatically to a force 5 (15-20 knots) from the South East. This has brought much needed ventilation to the Moksha engine room and a little extra help from astern in the form of the windage and wave action against the hull.

For me its like returning to a very familiar space being back on Moksha, even though it has been 5 odd years since April and I pedaled in from across the Coral Sea. I can truly say that I do love and feel at home on the ocean, especially days like this when the same placid water from the past two days is whipped up into a confused medley of waves that hypnotize the gaze for minutes at a time.

This might be my last major crossing in Moksha if the expedition goes direct overland through Asia to East and West Europe, so I am aware of how little time I have left in the old girl before making landfall in Dili, just 4-5 days from now. One part of the experience I will most definitely NOT miss is the dreadful night pedaling shifts. The act of levering oneself out of the rathole at 2am and pedaling for 3hours in the pitch dark is as grueling and exhausting on this voyage as it was 11 years ago on the Atlantic Crossing.

I havent really had a chance to thank all of you there in Aussieland who might be reading this for the remarkable hospitality and support x360 experienced D nownunder. Although there are too many to mention here I would like to pay especial thanks to John and Norlia in Cairns for their consistent support, James and Jo in Darwin, and most recently the Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association, Peter at Tipperary Waters, Leon from Darwin Ship Stores, Andy our tartan neighbour at Dinah Beach, Kris and Natalie, Curtis, Tom and Penny for weather forecasting et al.

Posted on May 17, 2005 7:30 AM


Questions for Jason:

1. Why did you name the pedal boat Moksha?

2. What do you expect to see or do in Dili?

3. What is the biggest wave you have seen?

4. Have you seen sharks this trip yet?

5. So how much sleep do you get a night if you have 3 hour pedaling shifts?

Posted by: Mrs. Schulz's Class at May 17, 2005 7:21 PM