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May 19, 2005
Looks like we'll make it to Dili!
Day 8. 19th May 2005. 1446 hrs local
LAT: S 8 degs, 28. 69'
LONG: E 127 degs, 36.35'
Wind: SE 15 knots
Heading: 315 degrees M
We are about 12 nm from the eastern tip of Timor. It looks like we will be able to make it around the eastern tip at this point. The contour of the island resembles a crocodile which is part of an old myth on how the island was formed. To make a long story short a crocodile became the island ofTtimor and all its people call the crocodile 'grandfather'. When they cross a river they call out, "Crocodile, I'm your grandchild - please don't eat me!".
We have been learning a few words of Tetum which is the language spoken on Timor. It was brought over by the Portuguese in the 18th century. There are a few more languages spoken here as well but Tetum is the most common. A few words we learned for the day from the phrasebook, are: hello - 'halo', goodbye - 'adeus', how are you? - 'diak ka lae?', fine thanks, and you? - 'diak obrigadu, ita diak ka lae?'.
Each day I will learn a few words or phrases so I can feel that I'm putting some effort into communicating with the local people which I think will be appreciated. Before I go back to immersing myself with the sea, I just wanted to share what a glorius day it is and the conditions could'nt be any better.
Posted on May 19, 2005 6:25 AM