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May 16, 2005

Update from Lourdes

Day 5. 16th May 2005. 16.28hrs local
Wind SE 3-4
LAT: S10 degs 16.033
LONG: E129 degs 25.460

We have just covered about 60nm since leaving Apsley Straights. The millpond conditions have been quite pleasant and HOT. On the voyage yesterday we spotted a small pod of dolphins, a turtle, snake and plenty of jumping fish swimming about.

Managed to squeeze in a few dives into the water which felt absolutely amazing. The water felt like pure silk which gave me the sensation of wanting to swim forever gliding through its softness. Thesunsets are an array of colors melting into the sky as the sun hides behind the clouds disappearing with its last sliver of orange. The night sky is another joy with all its interesting constellations. We sat on the back of the boat and learned some new stars from a chart that was given to me by an 80 year old captain who loves Viagra. I just the love how peaceful it is out here staring into the dark water and being mesmerized the reflection of the stars and moon. I returnto my pedaling and quietly disappear into my thoughts.


Posted on May 16, 2005 8:05 AM


I am glad to hear my brother Kenny has been losing weight on his trip. 200lbs! Keep up the good work !

Posted by: Euan Brown at May 16, 2005 9:56 PM