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June 30, 2005

Lembata Island

DAY: 16
LOCATION: Lembata Island
LATITUDE : 08 degs,14.99'S
LONGITUDE: 123 degs,55.42'E

Pada hari senin, sekitar jam tiga petang teman saya Ady bersama Mr Jason datang kerumah saya dan meminta saya untuk mengantar tiga orang tamu dari barat yaitu Mr Jason, Mr Chris dan Mrs Lourdes menuju ke Larantuka. Ady juga meminta ijim kepada keluaga dan kedua orang tua saya dan mereka juga tidak keberatan dengan kepergian saya namun sebelum kami berangkat, kami di doakan oleh seorang bapak J:Z namanya. Setelah itu kami bertiga berangkat dengan sebuah motor Honda ketika kami sampai di Kalabahi, kami berhenti di Hotel Pelangi Indah. Dan Ady terus pergi ke rumahnya. Dan beberapa menitkemudian setelah kami istrahat, saya bersama Mr Jason pergi dengan sebua bemo ke toko untuk membeli beberapa perlengkapan berupa topi kaboy, sarong, celana pendek, dan lainlain. Setelah itu kami kembali ke Hotel kemudian pada jam tujuh (7) malam, saya bersama Mr Jason pergi melihat sampan yang akan kami gunakan untuk pergi ke Larantuka. Setelah kami mencek semuanya, Mr Jason melatih saya bagai mana cara untuk menggunakan alat-alat perlengkapan, cara mendayung, dan lain-lain. Setelah itu kami kembali di jemput oleh Ady untuk kembali ke Hotel dengan motor. Sesampainya di Hotel, Ady lalu pulan dan kami pun istirahat. Pada hari selasa pagi sekitar jam 0700 kami berempat mulai berangkat dengan tiga bua sampan. Saya bersama Mr Chris menggunakan 1 bua sampan. Dari Kalabahi (kadelang), kami mendayung dan terus mendayung hingga kami tiba di Levokisu (Alor Kecil) di sana kami istirahat sebentar kemudian kami kembali mendayung menyebrangi lautan menuju P. Pantar. Dan kami tiba di sana pada sore hari. Kami istirahat semalam di pantai Tuabang.

Pada hari rabu pagi, kami berangkat dari Tuabang kemudian kami singgah sebentar di pantai di sebalah dari Kabir untuk mendapat info tentang keadaan laut dari orang-orang di sana kemudian kami melanjutkan perjalanan kami sampai di sebuah Kampung di tengah Kabir dan Baulang. Dan kami nginap semalam di Kampung tersebut. Kemudian pada hari kamis pagi, kami kembali mendayung dan kami singgah sebentar di Tanjung Nuha untuk ambil gambar (foto) setelah itu kami kembali mendayung menyeberang lautan menuju pulau Lembata. Dan kami tibah di teluk teula sekitar jam dua (2) pada siang hari. Di sana kami istirahat untuk melepas lelah dan bersantai-santai dan di situ juga kami tidur semalam.

On Monday it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. My friend Ady with Mr Jason came to my house and asked me to guide 3 x guests, from west, they are Mr Jason, Mr Chris and Mrs Lourdes to Larantuka. Ady also asked for permission from my parents and family and they also agreed with my journey yet before we went, we prayed by a man J:Z - his name. After that we three went by one motorcycle. When we arrived in Kalabahi, we stopped in the hotel Pelangi Indah. And Ady kept going to his house. And some minutes later after we took a rest, I went together with Mr Jason by bemo (bus) to the shop to buy some things like a big hat, a blanket and shorts, and so on. After that we came back to the hotel then at 7 o'clock in the evening I went together with Mr Jason to see the kayaks that we would use to go to Larantuka. After we checked everything, Mr Jason taught me the way to use the equipment and the way to paddle and so on. After that Ady took us back to the hotel by motorcycle. When we arrived at the hotel, Ady went home and we slept.

On Thursday morning it was about 7 o'clock we four started to go with three kayaks. Mr Chris and I kayaked. From Kalabahi (Kadelang), we paddled and kept paddling until we arrived in Levokisu (Alor Kecil). There we took a rest for a while then we paddled across the sea to Pantar Island. And we arrived there in the afternoon. We slept there for one night on the beach at Tuabang.

The next morning, we left from Tuabang then we stopped for a while on the beach beside of Kabir to get information about sea conditions from local people there. Then we continued our journey until a village between Kabir and Bualang. And we slept for a night in the village. Then on Thursday morning, we paddled again and we stopped for a while on the Nuha beach to take pictures. After that we paddled again to cross the sea to Lemaba Island. And we arrived on the Telu beach about 2 pm. There we took a rest waiting for the tide and relaxing and also there we slept.

We managed to get an early start this morning at 6.30am to make two big leaps across open water - the latter being Selat Alor which we are on the other side of now on the island of Lembata. Smooth conditions - helping by the moon being a day off three quarters full, so the tides are at neaps. When we reached Tg. Leur at noon however the water off the point (at low tide by this time) was too rough to cross. There's a reef that starts here stretching for several miles around the north side of the island, so we decided to play things safe and do another early start in the morning when the winds will be lighter and hopefully the conditions better.

The satphone refused to turn on this evening for a while, so if you don't see anything on this blog all of a sudden, most likely it's died. Either that or we're croc bait...

On this note it's interesting to read how this area was home to quite a few large salties until the time of the second world war when the Japanese shot and ate most of them. The lack of any restrictions on hunting since has probably seen them disappear completely. Not that we're getting complacent or anything, but none of the local fishermen we've spoken to have seen one for years.

Posted on June 30, 2005 2:40 PM