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June 7, 2006

Singapore Launch

Click on image to play video (high speed connection advised).

This evening I find myself in Malaysia after crossing over from Singapore yesterday evening. This morning at the Footloose Homestay in Johor Bahru I was woken to the house kitty cat using my tent as a bouncy castle. A humorous introduction to the southern most point of the Asian contintent.

Made it to the coast at Pontian Kechil after a late start from repacking the bike + trailer, going through all the gear AGAIN, and chucking out anything possible to cut down the weight. With all the gear for filming the documentary series and sending back the vlogs, I must be hauling about 200lbs of stuff. One spare of cycling shorts and cycling vest, the rest is all electronics...

Plan on getting up early tomorrow and putting in a good 100+ kms before the heat kicks in late morning. Kuala Lumpur by Saturday evening.


Posted on June 7, 2006 2:22 PM