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July 3, 2006
Arrival Bangkok
Click on image to play video (high speed connection advised).LOCATION: Bangkok, Thailand
Longitude: N: 13.76172°
Latitude: E: 100.49303°
Miles from Singapore: 1478
Arrival through the intestinal tract of any capital city is a chaotic and stressful affair. In the case of Bangkok the traffic started to get crazy about 40kms out and got progressively more dangerous. The trick to biking in heavy city traffic I think lies with riding aggressively but defensively. Kind of like gatecrashing a big party but with an eye over one's shoulder to make sure the bouncer doesn't clobber you from behind.
The one habit that drivers in SE Asia share alike, whether from East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia or Thailand, is the unequivocal consistency they have of pulling out from minor roads into a main highway without so much as a glance to see what's coming. In Malaysia I counted five accidents in one morning alone of moped riders that had been hit on the right side (they drive on the left side of the road here). When I asked my friend Norsiah in Pulau Pinang how this was so she replied that it was part of the mentality in this part of the world where 'everything will just be OK'. A kind of 'Hakuna Matata' - no problems!
'But what about the inescapable law of physics that determines that if a large steel object - like a bus - is heading towards you at high speed without the ability to stop quickly then one will be converted into highway pizza pronto?' I replied.
It reminded me careering down the switchback roads of the Guatemalan highlands at breakneck speed in a clapped out public bus, all regard for the physics at work of keeping the damn thing connected to the mountain thrown to the wind by a kamikaze driver who held all faith in an icon of 'Our Lady of Guadelupe' glued firmly to the dashboard. Suicide to the western mind, but to the locals - a perfectly acceptable level of life insurance.
Posted on July 3, 2006 3:57 PM
There is a way to give people the 'finger' here - I just haven't figured out which one it is yet...
The regular finger we use in the west is actually something vaguely resembling a Buddhist goodwill gesture, so I've been using it like mad and spreading love and peace for a change.
Posted by: jason x360 at July 8, 2006 5:33 AM
In Boston we drive like this too, except here at least we are polite enough to signal that we are cutting you off by simply giving people the finger. Enjoy Bangkok - it's a great city!
Posted by: Carl Weaver at July 7, 2006 9:44 PM