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September 22, 2006


Click on image to play video (high speed connection advised).

ADVISORY: this vlog contains images of a sheep being butchered (following slaughter). Please view with discretion.

LOCATION: Lhasa, Tibet
Longitude: N: 29.65°
Latitude: E: 91.13°
Miles from Singapore: 4271

'Being Buddhists, they know it is wrong to take any form of life, yet being nomads it is the only way they can survive. They accept their lot, believing that previous bad deeds must have caused them to be born as a people destined to live by killing animals. So for all their lives they are trying their best to outweigh this great sin by good deeds...when they get older, most of them like to give up their lives as nomads, take holy vows and enter a monastery. There they pray continuously for forgiveness of all the lives they have taken, and so end their own lives in peace, striving towards the goal'

Excerpt from 'Tibet - It's History, Religion and People' by Thubten Jigme Norby and Colin Turnbull

Posted on September 22, 2006 5:33 PM


I'm lucky if I can get my boys to put their dirty socks in the laundry, let alone thinking about making them!

I enjoyed seeing a "day in the life" of this family. Wonderful episode!

Posted by: tagami [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2006 1:39 AM