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November 15, 2006
Tim Harvey back in Vancouver - Congratulations!
LOCATION: Malegaon, India
Longitude: N: 20.54°
Latitude: E: 074.52°
Miles from Singapore: 6138.75
Miles from Mumbai: 150
A big congratulations to Tim Harvey of the Vancouver to Vancouver expedition for completing his circle of the northern hemisphere using zero [carbon] emissions. 894 days in the making...
On another note, does anyone out there have an older model PC laptop that we might borrow/buy for the next leg across the Arabian Sea to Djibouti? The current setup of the Bgan and Mac is unlikely to work because of the need for a marine antenna (that no one makes apparently), so it'll be back to the old Iridium system that only works with a PC.
The machine doesn't need to be fast and definitely not the latest and greatest. Something running Windows 2000 would be fine. If it gets damaged during the crossed we'd reimburse of course.
And is there anyone reading this with skills in Flash who could help out on one of the webpages? For someone who knows what they're doing it probably wouldn't be a big deal. Ideally you'd have Dreamweaver installed also.
Thanks all. Next entry from Mumbai...
Posted on November 15, 2006 3:20 PM