Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360


I grew up in the fishing port of Newhaven. A large chunk of my youth was spent messing about on and around the various hulks dotted about the place. This led me to develop an affinity and fondness for all boats and especially sailing craft. After many jobs based in the marine sector I heard my calling and decided to marry my woodwork skills into the equation by enrolling into what was, then and probably still is the best wooden boat-building course in England: at Lowestoft.

This apprenticeship changed my life dramatically and felt like a natural step forward. Roughly a year later, and purely through chance, Hugo and I were able to propose to Steve and Jason that we build them the boat they needed to cross the major oceans. Not being foolish, they accepted without hesitation (although they weren’t to know until after completing the Atlantic that this was the first ‘commercial’ boat Hugo and I were to build together!). And so the designer Alan Boswell was commissioned to draw up the plans and the project began, albeit on a shoestring.

Building Moksha was a perfect opportunity for us boat-builders to consolidate our skills and steer a project from its conception as plans, right through to the final sea trials a year later.

Looking back, I feel proud and lucky to have been involved with such a project and look forward to its continuing success and eventual home-coming.

Chris Tipper.





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© Expedition 360 Productions, LLC. 2003