Traditionally our main focus with young people has been with developing
classroom activities connected to the adventure and the implementation
of various cultural exchange programs promoting the ideals of tolerance
and world citizenship. Increasingly however in the past few years
since reaching Asia we've come across youngsters with base level
humanitarian needs whose situation calls for hard cash rather than
idealistic educational programs.
these cases we've worked through our 501 (c) (3) Non for Profit
organization to raise funds in association with our sponsorship
partners and individual donors. By combining on-site visits in person
(thereby meeting both the children in need and the people who run
the organizations) with post-visit follow up contact we're able
to ensure that every dollar raised is channeled appropriately.
Some of the organisations we have worked with
so far -
Timor: set up in 2001 by Ina and Isa Bradridge to
service the immediate needs of 25 children whose parents were
either killed by the Indonesian occupation forces and militia
in or around 1999, or who have since died of diseases such
as tuberculosis.
AMOUNT RAISED: $12,000. Get more information on
the Hope Foundation.
Lumpur, Malaysia: houses a group of women and children
who are living with HIV. In this home, established by the
Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (PPIM), they receive
healthcare and medical treatment, as well as moral and spiritual
AMOUNT RAISED: $5,000. Get more information
on Mercy
Malaysia. |
Thailand: In 1973 Father Joe Maier settled in the
slum area of Klong Toey, renowned as the 'slaugherhouse' district
of Bangkok where thousands of pigs are butchered each day
for the capital's kitchens. Over the past 30 years he has
built an impressive organisation called the Human Development
Foundation that operates 33 kindergartens, providing over
4,500 slum kids, ages 3 to 6, their first lessons in reading,
writing, Thai folklore and history, song, dance, sports, religious
celebrations, and more. |
The central facility, or Mercy Centre as
it's known, also gives slum kids a place to find refuge from
the streets when their parents are at work and also houses the
biggest HIV/AIDS hospice in Thailand. |
AMOUNT RAISED: $8,000. Get more information on
the Human Development Foundation.
India: is a non-profit organisation dedicated to
assisting children in need by providing education and nutrition
in a family home called 'Balgriha'. These
are kids from the slums of north Mumbai - kids with few opportunities
to get ahead in life.
We're currently trying to get some
computers donated for a computer lab they're looking to set
up so the children can learn basic computing skills that will
hopefully help them get a job later on. |
Some of the kids from the Mumbai facility got
to pedal
Moksha around Bombay harbour shortly before the Arabian Sea
AMOUNT RAISED: $0. Laptops donated: x 2. If you
have an older machine and can ship it to India get
in touch! Get more information on the SAHAJ
$66,500 USD
POST SCRIPT NOTE: many of the
orphanages, hospices and other humanitarian organisations I've come
across over the years were started and now are operated by some
of the most inspirational people I have every had the privilege
to meet. These are the real heros and heroines of our world; people
like Isa and Ina Bradridge of the Hope Organisation and Father Joe
of the Mercy Centre in Bangkok. Whether driven by a higher calling
or not, these folks are (at least in my eyes) leading lights who
are doing something truly useful with their lives. BRAVO!
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